Thursday, January 1, 2009

Puppy Love in Tyler

When we were in Tyler everyone fell in love with my aunt's new little Cockapoo puppy, Gizmo.  My aunt is a huge animal lover and my uncle... well, not so much.  But as she put it,  "When two people try and meet half way on the spectrum of  'disliking pets' to 'loving pets', you come up with Cockapoo." 

Oh he was so adorable!  He "out-cutes" any stuffed animal I've ever seen. But if he alone wasn't enough, he and Evan together were adorable. They each seemed to appreciate the other being so close in age and were constantly together. 

This was the favorite thing to watch - Gizmo attempting to tackle Evan. 

"Mommy - may I have one?" - Ummm no. Sorry buddy, but when you take two people that are both on the "pets are a lot of work and we don't have the energy" end of the spectrum... you get a fish. 


Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures. The call not to get another dog is probably a good one. I haven't run into too many people who regret not getting a pet.

Erick Colaj said...

Estoy pensando muy seriamente en comprarle un perrito a mi bebe, ahora que veo estas fotos me animé a comprarlo lo más pronto posible.
Lindas fotos.
Saludos desde Guatemala.