Sunday, October 23, 2011

Evan - 4 Years

I really don't think Evan will ever outgrow being cute (at least to me!!!)! There's just something about the way he interprets life - still so innocent, sweet, and imaginative! There's a lot of little conversations in this list; I can't help myself. I find them so entertaining!

- Evan is so drawn to any sort of action hero - the character is irrelevant, it just has to look "powerful".

- In September he began going to a day-school two days a week. For some reason he came home from his first day saying, "He can't tell us what he did, because it's just a secret." HUH??? I thought he'd get tired of that line, but he still gives it to us anytime we snoop.

Me: "Did you like the snack?"
E: "Mom, everything I do at school is just a secret."

Me: "Oh Evan, is that song you're singing from school?"
E: "Yes, but I can't sing it anymore, it's just a secret!"

Me: "Evan, your teacher said you demonstrated 'stop, drop and roll' during the fireman's visit!?"
E: "Mom, it's JUST A SECRET!"

- Evan is lacking some coloring skills. I think Asher's pages are now looking a more full than his. He picks one color, does a light scribble, and calls it done.

- He's the most eager and pleasant in the house to say, "good morning". He's often laying at the top of the stairs waiting for Ben or myself to come out of our room. The dialogue is usually

E: "Good Morning Daddy/Mommy!" "Is it morning??"
Us (eyes barely open): "Yea."

The enthusiasm is a little much for me at that hour.

- He wants to open the door to the fridge for me, and again when I put the item back. He sighs dramatically and says, "I just wanted to do something good."

- He will now sit down and do some activities (specifically to help with fine motor skills), and his attention and concentration has really come a long ways! The other day we had a funny exchange as he was finishing a puzzle.

E: "Mom, are you so proud of me?"
Me: "Yes, Evan I am.
E: "YOU ARE??!!" (He couldn't have sounded more shocked if I had told him I dined with Superman for breakfast)

- The list is short of things Evan fears: Haircuts, New Foods, ... and I think that's it. New places and faces are so fun for him.

- Evan has started going to Cubbies (part of the AWANA program). I am really, REALLY surprised at how well he is memorizing the verses. And he loves his Cubbie book. The Cubbie character is a little bear, and there's a picture of him on each page near the page number. He will sit and talk to the little picture of Cubbie (I do a voice, to talk back), and tell the bear all about his birthday party, cool toys he saw at Target, etc... he feels a deep bond with Cubbie.

- He loves Elena by tolerating her constant instruction to him, and he loves Asher by giving him autonomy in his play; he's the perfect middle child.

- His voice can get so LOUD! He can't seem to help it sometimes.

- Evan was telling my friend about how he got a cut on his foot.
Sarah: "Oh, bless your heart!"
E: No, no! My heart doesn't hurt, just my foot!

Here's a couple pictures from his birthday - his party is still to come!