Thursday, January 8, 2009

15 Months Old

When Evan turned one, I assumed I would stop the month to month updates, but he is still changing so much that I can't wait until he turns two, so I'm randomly picking 15 months as the next age to record everything about him.

- He loves books. He will bring you a book if asked; and then he does that adorable baby thing where they come up to you, stop a foot shy, turn around, then back up with their booty sticking out till they hit your lap - it's so awkward in an adorable way. 

- Books with animals are his favorite; he's learning all the animal sounds. "Woof-Woof" was the first sound he learned and it is a simple, "Ffff-Ffff!" with his entire body shaking as he says it. Others that he tackles are "Meow" and "Quack-Quack", which sounds like, "Ag-Ag!"

- He loves to go "bye-bye." In fact if you get his shoes on and then DON'T take him out to the car, he falls apart.

- He's still a lover of food, and especially desires anything Mommy or Daddy are eating. 

- I'm trying to remember all the words he uses at this point: Daddy, Uh-oh, Mommy (Yay! He just learned it in Tyler), Baby, Bye, Hi, Woah, More and Thank-you. Chanting, "Daddy" is his favorite. 

- It's not a word, but he consistently calls his shoes a cross between, "Bubbles" and "Bibles."

- He's a snuggler. If at all tired he rests his head on my cheek or shoulder. He also loves snuggling with blankets or stuffed animals. 

- He runs up to us to give us hugs, and will lean in to give kisses. Oh that is the best thing!!!

- I'm afraid he's learning to stick up to his sister, and will sometimes "hit" (if you can call it that, it's more like an arm flap aimed at her). Not good.

- He loves his cars, and will frequently go sit in his big car and "chill out. " Side note - it took him a few weeks after Christmas to consistently remember that there is a door on his car. He would just dive in from the door-less side. 

Love you Buddy!


Anonymous said...

I love the Evan update. He's a great little guy.

Anonymous said...

He really is a bounder and a bouncer!