Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Clump

I'm clumping together a few posts about some fun things we've done this Christmas season:

First of all - I introduced White Christmas to the kids and they liked it! Well, Elena really liked it, and Evan would just dance to the music. This made me so happy since watching this movie was a family tradition growing up.

Secondly - we decorated a gingerbread house together. This house is not going to win any awards in the aesthetic department, but it was still fun to do.

And finally, last night we went caroling with our Sunday school class on a river boat downtown. It was incredibly cold, but so fun.  The lights along the river walk are beautiful.


nate and liz said...

At this very moment, we are trying to decided if we want to watch White Christmas (Mya loves that movie too! Mya and Elena can watch it together sometime.) or Holiday Inn. 2 of our favorites! And, don't tell me it's cold down there... hahaha y'all don't know cold! =) Love you tons and have a very merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I note that you left out any description the response of your oldest child (Ben) to the family viewing of "White Christmas". HOW MUCH DID BEN LIKE IT? - I SAY!

Jennifer said...

White Christmas is one of my favorite movies period. Christmas or not. I've gotten Evie to watch it with me. I still have to work on the rest!

T!ff@ny said...

Awww...we didn't do our gingerbread house this year with our daughter! I wanted to but...time being what it is...NOT ENOUGH OF IT!!

(I am just browsing through and saw your blog! Hi! I am Tiffany!)