Thursday, August 14, 2008

At Last!

Evan's FIRST tooth appeared last night!

I feel what I can only describe as pride at my son's accomplishment. He has worked so hard at growing that little central incisor. I'm truly beaming.


Abby said...

Chew on Evan, chew on :)

Stephanie said...

I have late teethers, too, Amy. With my firstborn, I actually CALLED her doctor to sheepishly ask, "Um, my daughter is almost one and has no signs of getting any teeth yet. Should I be worried?" (I know, I know. Pretty ridiculous, but it seemed awfully late to me.)

I think the nurse's reply (as I'm sure she was stifling a laugh) was something like, "Don't worry, m'am. Her teeth will eventually come in...they always do."
