Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Ants Go Marching One by One

Until last Thursday,  I was able to boast in the fact that I had never seen an ant in our house. I'd seen a centipede or two, but NO ANTS! Sigh, this era of innocence is over.

The Invasion:
They began creeping in under our kitchen door which happens to be very near the spot where Elena sits to eat.  It's eery how quickly they learned to camp out under her chair. They also rapidly learned to come running when they heard me shake the Fruity Pepples cereal box. 

The Defense:
I think I have underestimated how resilient ants are.  I first tried to eradicate them with my trusty "409 - All Purpose Cleaner". 

409 is to me as Windex is to this man. :-)

"Put some Windex on it."

Anyways, I sprayed 409 on each little ant I saw in my kitchen and then sprayed a big puddle by the door that they couldn't miss as they attempted to come in. I naively thought I had taken care of the situation... It held them off for about 8 hours. 

Next, Ben tried to calk the little hole by which they were entering. It worked over night, but in the morning they were determined to not miss breakfast and they somehow found another spot.

Now, we're pitifully vacuuming them up as we talk about who's going to go to the store to get actual ant killer. 

This battle is not for the faint of heart.


Ashley said...

Oh, I laughed and laughed at this one! I too battled ants last year around this time-they were fire ants. I went ahead and bought some spray and it killed the ones that were there. They eventually went away w/o having to hire anybody to spray. I just had to keep a spotless kitchen, which was hard for me (ha ha ha). Maybe next time, I will try some 409??

Anonymous said...

Susan and I battled sugar ants in Dallas for a couple of years. Putting the cerial in the fridge is helpful (they can't open the door). We finally got rid of them by moving to Katy, so there's hope for you too!

Abby said...

Oooooo, does that mean you're moving to Katy? :P

Anonymous said...

My pool chem guy recommends this method, actual several ideas.

Sarah said...

i have no sympathy for you! i have ants and NOTHING has worked!!!