Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful for a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Our time of thanksgiving started off with a bang on Wednesday when Ben took his final of seven exams for a CPCU certification... and he passed! This ends 6 or so months of constant studying and he is thrilled to feel like his free time is his again. We went to Bigz (a delish burger joint) for an early dinner to celebrate. We had the place almost to ourselves and enjoyed sitting outside relaxing while the kids ran around in the play area. To continue the festivities we rented the movie, "Up" to watch as a family that night. It was the first time the four of us have sat down together to watch a movie, and we all really enjoyed it.

Thursday was of course Turkey Day! I was extremely thankful to not have to do much cooking as we were going over to my parents house for the meal. We had a full table with my cousin, brother, sister, her boyfriend, and my sweet new niece all being there. It was a great relaxing afternoon and of course, our kids could not get enough of Char-Char and Mace.

Friday, we took advantage of some black friday deals, bought some things to begin some projects on the house, and began decorating for Christmas. Ben went on a painting blitz that lasted through Saturday and I am so excited about our freshly painted master bedroom and half-bath.

Sunday is now upon us and we'll be having "home church" this morning due to the kids being sick. I'm glad we're getting this fever/cold/cough stuff out of the way before Asher comes next week!

It has been a wonderful extended weekend and a great time to reflect about the countless blessings the Lord has heaped upon my life.


Sarah said...

next week! that's like- next week! wow! can't wait to meet him! praying for you!

Susan said...

Yeah for no more two toned master bedroom! On to Evan's room:)