Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Shower - High School Style

I've been meaning to post about this for about a month now!

So I think you all know that Ben and I help with the youth group at church. We moved up with our 8th graders so we are now leading freshman groups and it has been such a joy to build on those relationships that were established last year.

Well a few weeks ago, my girls threw me a surprise baby shower during! It was completely unexpected and so fun. I had to laugh at the "spread" the girls provided; lots of candy, Cheetos, and juice boxes. Ooooh, these girls know how to have fun and they are all really creative! They made a lovely jumbo card, posters for Asher's room, and wrote funny messages on a pile of diapers.

The girls made me feel extremely loved and I know they are going to have fun watching Asher grow!

**A big thank-you to Rachel Gardiner, my co-leader this year, who I know inspired the girls with the idea and provided the leadership they needed to pull it off!**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that that is SO sweet- and what a menu!!