Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A List of Favorites

I think the best way to find out about resources for raising kids is through word of mouth.  So I'm spreading the word on some of my favorite tools (for the most part these are educational tools) that I've come across so far. Most of these have come from friends (i.e. many of you), so Thank You!!! 

Leap Frog - Letter Factory dvd

It's a short 30 minute video where the little frog, Tad tours a factory where each letter is learning how to say it's sound. If your child can learn to recognize a cow and learn what it says, they can learn letters! It's amazing how fast they soak it up. Based on personal (albeit limited) experience, 20 months seems like a good time to start.  Also, having magnetic or foam letters for them to play with helps immerse them into the letter world. 

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons 

We haven't used it yet, but I've heard only GREAT things about it. One of my friends' daughters really struggled with learning to read in school. Her mom went through this book with her, and voila!, by the end of it she was a reader and loved to do so! I think I'm going to ask for this book for Christmas.

Preschool Chore Chart 

This website has great stuff, but I especially liked this chart.  You can customize it, and it's free to download.


Talk to any teacher and they will know about this website. There are all kinds of things here, but most of the activities focus on learning letters and how to read. Your child needs to be able to handle a mouse to navigate the site, so Elena's just starting to be able to enjoy it. 


Free coloring pages! But what sets this site apart from other coloring page sites is that once you select the image, you can print it out in coloring page form or you can create an activity page (page for practicing counting, writing letters, and plenty more) with the image in one quadrant of the page. 

More Free Coloring Pages

Blattman's List 

Something to think about, elementary schools often have a list of teachers favorite links posted on their schools website. Blattman Elementary has a good list, but I think we'll be waiting until elementary school to explore most of these. 

Local Calendar of Kids Events

If you live in a major city, you should be able to find a daily list of kid friendly events. I was pretty surprised at how many free events are out there for kids!


Ashley said...

love this post! I am a fan of Starfall and foamy letters. In fact, I thought about running off to the store to get some for the bath, then I remembered I have a puzzle, so I'll use that instead! I feel horrible that Claire is so behind on that stuff compared to her sisters. Oh, and I love your new "look" on your blog. Perhaps it isn't "new" but this is the first time I've seen it!

Ashley said...

oh, and I have that book too "reading in 100 lessons". I will be working with Cara in the fall(Lord willing and with the Lord's patience!).