Wednesday, July 8, 2009

21 Months

Happy 1.75th Birthday Evan! Here's a list of some of the things that make Evan, Evan.

It's a short jump from disappointment to despair with Evan. I mean, he can really lose it, and of course it's always at the most inopportune time. 

He makes hilarious exaggerated expressions. For instance, the excitement/surprise of hearing the garage door open shoots his eyebrows up to his hairline while his jaw hits the floor.

If there is music, the little man will dance. He also claps and says, "yay" at the end of any song.

He has become very attached to a particular blanket, or "an-ket!" When we put him in his crib he asks for it, hugs it as it comes towards him, collapses on top of it, and then he's out for the night. 

He is a champ during nap time and bedtime. You won't hear a single protest. 

Loves vehicles but primarily really BIG trucks.

Loves balls. He will hold as many as he can get in his arms and just happily walk around the house. 

He has a ridiculously high and shrill scream. He can do it out of pure joy, or utter despair, but are ears are always left ringing.

"Baseball!" It's his word for all televised sports.

He loves to watch sporting events with Daddy (well, you know as long as the attention span of a one year old will allow). He mimics Ben's every expression, the "YEAH!", the fist pump, the "Oh Man!", and the "Go Go Go!" Yes, Ben is very aware that he has someone watching his every move/mood. 

He can get really jealous of Mommy's lap. He does not like Elena in it one bit. Oh Buddy, just wait till you really have to share Mommy!

He's recognizing a few letters. Elena already knew them by this age, so I feel a little guilty that I have not worked with him like I did with Elena. But starting now, we are going to get serious about our letter learning (so take that guilt!)

He can be super sweet and enthusiastic with his salutations. Running up to his peers to say hello, and giving hugs as they leave.

He's a very picky eater at this point. But I'm not too worried. Elena was/is picky too, but now we can make her eat her food *evil laugh*. 

No he is not the laid back baby he once was, but we are in love with this little boy, and are so thankful for God's hand of protection being on him. 


Michelle said...

We love you too Evan. As far as I am concerned learning letters is totally over-rated. Oh wait I have a degree in "letters." How easy it is to forget, amidst the diapers and baby food, that I am an educated person.

Ben (Dad) said...

We are going to focus Evan's attention on the important letters first. For baseball, the letters will be R-B-I and E-R-A. For football, this will mean T-D and Y-A-C.

On a side note, I taught Elena what PSI means yesterday (pounds per square inch to the uninitiated). Seriously, just ask her how you measure how much air is in a tire...

Anonymous said...

He's a little boy now, and from the sound of things, he's Daddy's little boy! I guess that isn't altogether true...he's still Mommy's little boy, too. About the blanket... Mark had a blanket he slept wih, and couldn't go to sleep without, so perhaps it's an inherited trait:) Can't wait to see you.

The Shepard Girls said...

I love your blog. And I know what you mean about the laid back infant turning into the not-so-laid-back toddler and the oh-so-short disappointment to despair timeframe! But God bless you for your patience and fortitude!