Sunday, July 26, 2009

3.5 Years

Our sweet little girl is 3 1/2 today! When I first titled this post, I put 2.5 years... it's just hard for me to remember that she's as old as she is! Here is the latest and greatest on our big girl, Elena.

She coined the term, "like a butterfly" to describe the way she wants her door cracked open at night. The door at that angle reminds her of a butterfly wing, which I just think is beautiful! 

Over a year ago she started stuttering. It progressively got worse, but over the last six months it began to get better and now she rarely does it.

She loves Evan's company, and enjoys teaching and praising him; but she can get extremely frustrated with him when he doesn't live up to her expectations for a playmate.

The girl is pretty fearless. She'd love to run away from me in a store if I'd let her; and the bigger the ride or slide, the better.

The story of Jesus' death and resurrection really resonated with her. She hasn't yet grasped why Jesus had to die, but I'm happy that the story was told so well and with so many visual aids this summer at VBS.

Elena loves her friends, and is thrilled whenever she hears that she will get to play with them.

Speaking of friends, she one day started talking in the car about Cassie; Cassie this and Cassie that. This imaginary friend continues to occasionally pop up, at which point Elena will play very nicely with her in her room. 

Elena is excited about the baby in mommy's tummy. She goes up to me and says, "Oooooh Mommy, your tummy is getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER! Then she tells me after dinner when her tummy is really full, that she also has a baby in her tummy. 

Her imaginary play usually involves one of three themes; VBS/Sunday school, Birthday Parties, and HEB shopping trips. When she plays Sunday school she will talk in her "teacher-like" voice about different Bible stories. The funny thing is hearing the story she tells. One went something like, "Once upon a time, Jesus and Moses lived in a kingdom...." Hmmm...

At bedtime, she will occasionally run through her routine script of,  "I go to Costo, Sea world, I see froggie in a box, I see bug, I love you", but it is very rare at this point.

We're working on reading. At this point she'll sound out all the letters in the word, but needs me to mesh them together.

She can "write" her name, but I'm probably the only one that recognizes the E-L-E-N-A at this point.

We're still thinking she's a lefty.

She will dance her heart out, especially if she has on a ruffled skirt. At this point I would describe her style of dance as... violent. 

She loves stickers, shoes, girly dresses, puzzles, bubbles, sunglasses, and anything Disney princess themed.

We are extremely thankful for her life; and are praying for her salvation, for her to always be secure in our love, and for a teachable spirit.


The Goods said...

I love hearing what Elena is like. I esp laughed at the violent dancing comment :)

The Foglios said...

So beautiful:-) I love the things you wrote about her and it inspires me to write something about Gabriella. Tell Elena hi from Gabriella - and a BIG hug!

The Shepard Girls said...

I was totally cracking up reading through that. What a fun age. Anxious for a pic of the haircut if you can sneak it :) And, Amy, you totally make me feel better about my own forgetfulness with the whole forgetting the birthdate thing... although you can blame it on pregnancy brain.

Barbara said...

These were so fun to read! I also loved the dancing -violently description...maybe you could post a small video for us as well?