Friday, June 12, 2009

A Week of Posts

We've had a fun week and there have been multiple times that I wanted to sit down and write about what was going on, but I never seemed to have the time. So, I've decided to just knock it out here.

"Provoked " - That's the name given to this week's nightly activities planned for the middle schoolers at church. There have been multiple scavenger hunts around town, a pool party, and a paintball excursion (F-U-N!). Ben and I have taken turns going to the events this week, but we are both going tonight and bringing the kids along too. 

VBS Prep - I absolutely love VBS! It starts next Monday, but we've already spent a couple mornings at the church this week decorating and going through some training. This year I will be leading a "crew" of four year olds during this week. The thing that I am most excited for this year, is Elena being able to fully participate! She is thrilled. Last year she only participated in the preschool assembly, but still had so much fun. She has been talking about it and singing the songs she learned all year. 

Baseball Game - Last night while I was off with the middle-schoolers, Ben took the kids to a Missions game AND to get ice cream (a very important part of the evening to Elena). They had a great time with Dad. The very first thing Elena talked about this morning was the ball that went off one of the batters' helmets and into the stands (pretty good memory!). Evan might of missed that play. To quote Ben, "the only thing Evan will remember is the face of the guy sitting two rows behind them, whom he spent the entire game looking at."

Pulling the Plug - Because I felt like I have been letting the kids (specifically, Elena) watch too much tv, I decided to pull the plug on the tv - cold turkey. Except for one evening, we have not watched any tv this week! 

Oh and I almost forgot - I got a haircut! My last hair cut was in JANUARY, so I was long overdue. 

That's all folks!

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