Monday, June 15, 2009


Today was the first day of the long awaited VBS! Elena came into my room at 6am this morning (that's at least an hour earlier than normal) and eagerly asked, "Mommy, is it time for VBS???"
Here's a picture I took right before we left the house. She's proudly wearing her shirt. She also has food packed in her cheeks :) 

She had a GREAT time today, and must have really paid attention, because she could answer any question I threw at her about the Bible lesson. 

But just in case the morning didn't provide enough fun, we went to my parent's house so that my sister could begin teaching Elena to swim.

All in all it was a long day and I think Elena was feeling it by the time we pulled into the driveway. 


frankandmichelle said...

I love it when they are that tired. Yea on swimming! I hope it went well.
Also, how do you show on your blog when someone posted last?

Susan said...

I didn't know Elena could ever be so tired that she would sleep during the day!

nate and liz said...

Cute! How I remember my Wayside VBS days... man I'm feelin' old! Yay for swimming! Mya is taking swim lessons this week and is ready to chill when we get home. :)