Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun with Friends

Elena had her sweet friend Gabriella over to play yesterday. I think it may have been the first time that she has had a friend over without their mom... sigh, she's getting so old. Gabriella was the source of entertainment for the day (which was really nice for me!). They colored, played dress up, and then ended up staying outside for the rest of the day. They got soaked from the water table and pretty filthy from the dust of the mulch, but oh they had fun!

I'm not exactly sure what the game was here. 

Sooo many giggles throughout the day - Elena just adores Gabriella.

Evan even got to join in on the fun!

We are so sad that Gabriella will be moving soon; she will be VERY missed. 


The Foglios said...

I love that we get to see pictures from that day! They really did have a great time!

The Foglios said...

Oh and I think the game they are playing is making "pie" or "cake." It is one of Gabriella's favorite things to do outside. The mind of a 5 year old is something I don't quite understand, but she has a great time:-)