Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just the Facts, Ma'am

After my post about VBS, things starting going at a pretty fast pace here. I've been keeping a mental list of things that I want to post about in detail and with pictures, but for now let me give you the summary in the order in which they happened.

-Elena started a ballet class with her friend Emily
-Elena came to an understanding of needing a Savior (it feels wrong, just slipping this in with -the other stuff, but for now that's the way it's gonna be)
-My sister got engaged
-Ben's parents came in for a visit
-Evan and Asher were dedicated at church
-Celebrated Father's Day
-Threw a wedding shower with with and for dear friends.
-Our 6th Anniversary
-Packed our bags and flew to Atlantic Beach, NC for a week.

Sorry this a pretty lackluster post, but for now it will have to do!

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