Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Evan - 2.75 Years Old

Evan, Evan, Evan.

Evan is just pure entertainment to me. I don't want to take pictures of him, I want to follow him around with a video camera in hand. You just can't capture his cute pronunciations and wildly enthusiastic exclamations in a picture.

He loves, loves, loves going to friends' homes. Every morning when he wakes up, he asks me, "Mommy, where we going t'day?" I'd say more often than not we stay home, but he's always optimistic. He loves his friends, but dare I say it, he loves their toys even more.

And toys brings me to the subject of cars and trains. How long now have I been saying that he's into them... and I mean really into them. He carries a pile of Hot Wheels around the house all day. "Wightning Qween" is his favorite. If that car gets separated from the pack at some point during the day, Evan will make sure they're reunited before nap time or bed time.

Evan has really begun building a relationship with his little brother. He gets down on the floor with Asher to talk and giggle with him. Now that Asher is so expressive it really encourages Evan to engage with him more.

Birthday parties are highly anticipated... Evan's favorite part.... "Da Cake!!"

He knows his alphabet and can count for sure up to 5; beyond 5 the numbers are pretty interchangeable.

Wrestling with Dad, Mace, or Pa is a big favorite!

He will ham it up with silly noises when he's around little girls. Their giggles are highly sought after.

He's very good about saying thank you and sorry, but again he's so expressive that it comes out, "Oh tank you, Mommy!" and urgently, "I sorry, I sorry!

Still, a pretty obedient little boy; a stubborn boy when a rule is first introduced, but very compliant with rules that are already standing.

Evan has a great imagination; a clothes hanger is an airplane, a ruler is a rocket ship, etc...

Ben and Evan have fun going to a local "Coffee and Cars" (it's a casual gathering of classic car owners in a parking lot near here). The two of them get doughnuts or bagels (both favorites of Evan) and then walk around drooling. Evan sits in the drivers seat "steering" and making "vroom vroom" noises... and then he gets out for Ben's turn.

We are big fans of our little boy!
Love you Evan!

1 comment:

mark said...

Love playing "you can't catch me" with Evan. Really, what in our past would lead you to believe I would have any trouble catching you?