Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Asher - 7 Months

Our oh so sweet baby boy!

He is MOBILE! I can't say he's crawling, because he scoots around like an inch worm, but the bottom line is, I'm constantly scanning the floor for choking hazards.

Ben is so proud of him; always referring to how he's our most "this and that" baby.

He is gnawing on apples through a netted baby food holder (It's a little capsule that lets babies eat solids without large chunks getting through) and seems to like them. Other than that we're just doing baby cereal.

Water and public restrooms with loud flushes really terrify him.

He's begun making a new sounds; Beyond just saying "Ahhhhhhhhh" He's saying "B'da, B'da, B'da" and "Du, Du, Du." C'mon, you know you're fascinated!

He recognizes his family members from a distance and gives big smiles upon seeing them.

He sits... but not very well.

I love cuddling him. He'll rest on my shoulder with his cheek against mine and I soak up all the little sounds he makes next to my ear.... I know those baby sounds will be gone much faster than I'd like.

Love you, Ash-man!

1 comment:

mark said...

Asher has such a sweet personality. It's impossible not to love the kid.