Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dedicating the Boys

On Father's Day, we had the joy of dedicating Evan and Asher to the Lord at church. When we dedicated Elena we were living in Houston, and our church there called it a "Parent Dedication" which I think is so appropriate because we view it as an outward testimony of our commitment to raise our children in a home that honors the Lord, and to publicly acknowledge that these children are a gift from God and are His to do what he wills.

Ben and I were honored to have both sets of parents there to share the day and were then later able to celebrate Father's Day together!

The other family being dedicated at that service was the Lock Family. Sarah and I have been in Bible Study together and our baby boys are only three weeks apart. This was our attempt to get a picture together beforehand. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a sweet thing seeing your boys dedicated. I cried, actually. I can't wait to see what God has in store for both your boys and Dylan Lock. A privilege to watch their dedication, for sure.