Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ten at the End - Week of VBS!

June 12-18th

Well, this end of the week recap is coming in pretty late! The past week was all about VBS!

1) The theme was "Pandamania!" - Where we learned that "God is wild about you!"

2) Evan got to be with four other 3 yr old boys and they were fearlessly led by my mom! Evan and his buddy Pierson spent most of the week pretending to be "Iron Man" and fighting off the "bad guys".

3) Elena got to be in a group with her friend, Emily. She was thrilled about that.

4) I spent the week helping out my friend Jayne in an area called "Spotlight Drama." We took pictures each day to make a slide show that would re-tell the day's Bible story. It sounds a lot more complicated than it was.

5) Every year I see such a noticeable difference in Elena's behavior after her day at VBS. I really believe that the spiritual truth that is being spoken to her and over her all morning "guards her heart and mind" and I see the impact!

6) I discovered our church library during the week! I knew it existed, but I could never seem to find a time to go. Well, I think that will now change!

7) At the library I found out about a reading challenge our church is doing. 6 hours of reading = a prize! Elena would lose her right arm for "A Prize" so needless to say she has been pouring through the books and is almost done with the challenge!

8) Asher did great in the nursery this year. Last year was a little rough, so I was happy for the contrast. I think one reason he did so well, is that he was in there with his friend, Dylan. Dylan and Asher are three weeks apart, now neighbors, share a love for balls, and can each say the other's name. So basically they're best buds.

9) Poor Ben; not only did he not receive one home-cooked meal this week, but he even had to go to the store to get the frozen entrees.

10) We have the beginnings of a Bamboo Forest growing on our window sill, thanks to the awesome pre-school crafts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks - and sounds - like a good time was had by all...with the exception of Ben, I guess! The pictures are great!