Monday, June 13, 2011

Elena's Ballet Recital

This past year, Elena has taken ballet and tap at Heather Stolle School of Dance. The end of the class-year is marked by a very large recital. Elena's class did a tap number to a Shirley Temple song ...could there be anything cuter???

Both sets of grandparents made it to the show, as well as Uncle Nate and Aunt Abby. It was so sweet of them all to support her hard work that way.

And I feel like I need to give a special mention to these boys, who patiently cheered her on, every week for the past year. Asher actually learned quite a bit of the routine!

"Evan look at my flowers!"


Ben and I were pretty sentimental watching her up on that stage. We'll be taking an indefinite break from dance next year, and so knowing that made us want to soak up this performance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thepictures are great...may have something to do with the photogenic kids:)