Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Asher - 1.5 Years

You love to urgently call my name a dozen times in row with your eyes wide, like your going to follow it up with an amazing story.

You say so much now. A few months ago I realized I should write down all the words you know, but now I feel like the list grows daily. You attempt to say everything and I can't keep up!

You start your morning off with a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats that has been swirled in milk for a couple seconds and then placed delicately in the middle of your tray... but you're not high maintenance or anything.

"Cars" is said with a Jersey accent and you talk about them all the time. Asking for them before you go to sleep.

You're so cautious about the pool, but will happily leap to your death off of the couch.

Throughout the day you turn to me and say, "Daddy??" I assume you're asking about his whereabouts, so I answer with, "Daddy's at work". Then you nod and say, "Oooooh" in a very mature voice.

Now that you're sharing a room and seeing Evan get his bedtime hugs, you want in. And you insist on getting the last one before we leave the room.

You finally have hair! You're getting so many comments on how it curls up behind your ears. So cute.

And while you're lean on hair, you make up for it in teeth.

Going, "Bye-Bye!" is always a fun idea. And if I say either "shoes", "church", or "go"; you run to the shoe basket, find your shoes, and follow me around saying, "Bye-Bye?!? Bye-Bye?!?"

We all love you, dearly. Elena tells everyone that you are the only one that can make her laugh when she's crying, and Evan recently told his VBS teacher that you were God's good gift to him.


The Hvass Family said...

I love the way your write, Amy. You make me laugh and smile! And I even have tears from the last one....Happy 1.5 years, Asher!

Anonymous said...

Another winner:) He's adorable!