Wednesday, September 9, 2009

He's a Growin' Boy!

I'm not sure when it happened but, Evan's gotten big! I mean, relative to what he was. I was pretty sure his size 6 shoes were small on him so I went shoe shopping and bought a couple of pairs of size 7's.  When we got home and he tried them on, I realized that if his feet were going to have any room to grow we needed the next size up from there! 

Then, due to him outgrowing some of his summer clothes and it still being a 100 degrees in these parts (grrrrr), I broke out next summer's pre-purchased clothes, and... they fit! They're a little loose, but they definitely work, which makes me wonder if they'll still work for next summer (but since summer comes in March, maybe will be fine... grrrr). 

And lastly his hair had done some serious growing; it was out-of-control-long. So I gave him a cut.

So, here he is:
Please don't be intimidated by his ginormity - he's quite the gentle giant :)


Lindsey said...

He IS getting big - what a cutie! And, I think he looks so much like Ben in these pics!

Kristin =) said...

Yea for little boys growing up in the cutest possible way! (But not too quickly, I might add)

Sarah said...

oh i cant' wait to show jenna these pics tomorrow morning! she might need one framed for her room. what a stud!

Anonymous said...

He really is adorable and doesn't look at all threatening:)