Monday, August 17, 2009

Kids Day Out

Sorry for so many new posts at the same time, there was just a lot going on the past few days.

Today was the first day of Kids Day Out (a local Mothers' Day Out program) at a nearby church. Elena has been dying to go to this "school" as we call it, since we enrolled her at the beginning of summer. But if you think she was looking forward to it, you should have checked out her mom. Actually some of you might have caught a glimpse of me celebrating my new freedom by doing donuts and burn-outs in the HEB parking lot at about 9:45, but enough about my experiences...

This was the only shot I could grab before I needed to move out of the way for other moms dropping of their kiddos. Evan ran right in and never looked back!

Right before she walked into her class. Can you feel her excitement?

Finding her "cubby". Sigh, this does make me a little sad, because it reminded me a little too much of "real school", which now doesn't feel too far off.


Robert and Heidi Stevener said...

Amy, this is sooo exciting!!! I LOVE the picture of Elena about to go inside! You really can see the pure excitement and anticipation of her day! Can't wait to hear how their day was!

Anonymous said...

So glad they did so well! Elena looks so sweet in that picture! Hope you had a relaxing day!