Saturday, September 6, 2008

There's Routine, and Then There's ROUTINE

I wanted to share our bedtime routine with Elena. It's not funny in it's own right, but the fact that it happens word for word, night after night, the exact same way cracks me up.  

Oh, and by the way, Elena stutters right night now, so I've tried to add the extra syllables in the right places.

So, this takes place right after she's climbed into bed, her water is placed on her left side, and the blanket is pulled up by her neck. 

Elena: Mommy*!!! Sing,"Tell Me Why."

---We sing it together.

Elena: Mace-Mace-Mace sings "Tula"

---We sing "Tura-Lura-Lural", a.k.a. "An Irish Lullaby". My dad (Mace) sang it to her first so he always gets referenced in the song request.  Oh, and she sings it as,  "Tula-lula-lula" - so cute!

Elena: Mommy!!! A Kiss!

---A kiss on the cheek

Elena: Mommy!!! One more Kiss!

---Another kiss on the cheek

Elena: Mommy!!! I-I-I go Costco, and Sea World, and-and-and Froggie in da box, and-and-and I see bug!

---You may remember her fetish with Costco and Sea World from when I mentioned them here. The "froggie in da box" is a reference to a frog we saw in a storage box on my Nana's porch this summer in North Carolina. And the, "I see bug" comment is referring to the centipede in the tub. That's the newest line in her script. 

Me, as I stand: I love you!

Elena: I lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love you, Mommy!

Me: Thank you, Elena. I love you too!

Elena: Mommy!!! Put my belly.

---This is the weirdest part. As she says that, she lifts her shirt, holds her belly, and turns to the side. I'm 99% sure she's copying what she's seen from the intro of "Jon and Kate, Plus Eight", where Kate lying in the hospital bed, pregnant with sextuplets, turns to the side holding her enormous belly. 

* This changes to "Daddy!" when he puts her down. Really, it's the only thing that changes.

1 comment:

Abby said...

My new goal is to somehow add something of my own to the routine. Hmmmm, what shall I program into her young brain..... I guess I have another month to decide :)