Monday, September 8, 2008

11 Months Old

The scary thing about 11 months, is that it means 12 months is right around the corner. Sniff, sniff.

At 11 Months...

-He prefers to stand holding onto something over sitting on the floor. 

-He is sooo patient with Elena's rough-housing. 

-He will sit in his high-chair indefinitely as long as there is food on his tray for him to laboriously pick up and put in his mouth.

-He's likes to to "chase" Elena around the house. He does his "speed crawl" with his head down, giggling hysterically, and is oblivious to the fact that Elena laps him multiple times.

-As I mentioned earlier, he is waving, "bye-bye"

-One of his top teeth has come through and it looks like he's about to get the other one.

- He takes a really short nap in the morning, and then goes down for a 3 hour nap between 12 and 1pm. 

-He is the best snuggler! When we hold him, he puts his head on our shoulder and his arms kinda wrap around us. Oh, it is the best feeling! Apparently he snuggles with anyone because he did that with a complete stranger for over an hour the other day (pictures to come on that later).


Abby said...

Great pic :) He is starting to look more little boy-ish instead of baby-ish... it makes me a little sad

Michelle said...

I can't believe how big he is. We so love your children. I can't wait for you guys to come visit!

Anonymous said...

What a little dude!