Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shamu and Car Seats

I took the kids to Sea World today. I think we lasted a whopping 1 hour before leaving and heading to my friend's house (thanks Liz!). Maybe one day I'll work up to an entire morning... baby steps, baby steps.

Anyways, I bring Sea World up only to share this interesting story:

I was starting the mile or so trek from my car to the entrance of the park when I noticed a man who seemed to purposefully fall into step with me and who was obviously eyeing my double stroller. 

He then casually says to me, "I used to work for Graco." (The brand of my stroller.)

"Oh....Neat.", I replied, not sure of the proper response for this type of random information. 

He continued, "Yeah, my friend Ryan and I invented the car seat that snaps into the base and stroller."

Now he's got my attention! Those car seats are the best thing ever for getting around town without waking your baby or messing with the buckles as you get in and out of the car!

He kept filling me in on his life's story; how he and his friend didn't see a dime from the profits generated by their invention, and how he's now designing pacemakers.

As we reached the end of the hike, I thanked him on behalf of all the moms out there.  I know... cheesy, but it seemed like he was pretty desperate for a pat on the back. 

So that's my story - it's been a slow blog week. Yes, it did occur to me that he could be delusional, but that makes the story kinda creepy, so I like my version better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure you weren't talking to Joe Fusco Jr. (inventor of aluminum foil)? This sounded a bit like a "Susan story".