Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here...beep-beep-ba-beep... Everything's Better!

Sometimes the highlight of our day is a trip to HEB. If I've ever come across as trying to paint our life as exciting, let this post set the record straight. :-)


Anonymous said...

Cute shopping bags!

Ashley said...

a day in the life of a stay-at-home mom! Everyday is exciting! How did you get Evan to stay in the that thing? Claire just starts sliding out!

Kristin said...

Love those pictures of real life:)

Anonymous said...

Of course, I think they're adorable!

Sarah said...

evan cracks me up. he just seems so laid back and go with the flow. maybe he and jenna will end up together one day because she needs a man like that! :)
and what was up with that man in the parking lot? do you think he hangs out there all day and says the same thing to the 100's of moms with those stroller? creepy!

Stephanie said...

You are one brave woman. First, to take your two to HEB. Second, to do it in this heat. And third, to take on the monumental task of pushing that monstrosity of a cart around!! Emma begs me for those carts, but wimpy ol' me has to admit that I get a little too winded...and they don't exactly maneuver so well, do they?