Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pass the Tylenol

We're under the weather here. I'll miss seeing some of you at MOPS! 


Abby said...

That is so sad! Well, at least Evan is being sick in style... the kid looks sharp :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that time that causes mega mommy guilt...Knowing that you should wish for them to be well, but being thankful for their low level of activity.

Stephanie said...

Oh, they're so pitiful! I'll bet it's quiet around your house, huh? Like Susan said, I always feel bummed initially when my kids get sick, but then I realize it's a good reason for all of us to slow down---and I get WAY more cuddle time with them!

We sure will miss you at MOPS, though---I'm sad you can't attend the brunch! I know your mom will be occupied, but is there anyone else who could stay with them for a few hours while you get away?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah....way cute.

Kristin said...

So sad to have sick little ones. Hope they get better soon!