Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My first Tag

You’re feeling: mellow

To your left: notepad and earplugs

On your mind: can I attempt painting my bathroom today?

Last meal included: cereal

You sometimes find it hard to: steer Peach when playing Mario Cart

The weather: warm

Something you have a collection of: 
diaper bags

A smell that cheers you up: anything citrus

A smell that can ruin your mood: Ben’s soap – don’t even get me started on this subject.

How long since you last shaved: 3 hours

The current state of your hair: needing a hair cut

The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): a lamp

Your skill with chopsticks: I have NEVER been able to use them

Which section you head for first in a bookstore: home improvement/decorating or photography

Something you’re craving: ice-cream

Your general thoughts on the presidential race: I’m worn out from the media’s excitement over the “Clinton and Obama Race”

How many times have you been hospitalized this year: none in ‘08

Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: if someone is watching Elena, then I love to go to Target to relax.

You’ve always secretly thought you’d be a good: teacher

Something that freaks you out a little: being the mother of a school-aged child in the near future.

Something you’ve eaten too much of lately: cereal, umm or ice-cream.

You have never: dyed my hair

You never want to: move from our neighborhood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can teach you how to use chopsticks!