Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Before and After

This is what I was busy doing last week - painting the master bedroom! Here are the before and after pictures.



I know, I know - the change is so drastic.  But believe me, the switch from "Dark Storm Cloud" to "Seafoam Storm" was imperative to achieve color harmony within our home. :-)


Abby said...

At this rate, you'll be painting it "Cloudy Day" next and then somewhere down the road it'll eventually be "Summer Sunshine" :) Of course I painted the walls in the condo "Chocolate Froth" and "Wheat Toast" so what do I know? :P

sullyssite said...

Seriously girl, you are getting to be as bad as me. I'm dying to repaint my kitchen and living room! The perfect shade is vital to my sanity! Getting ready to head to home depot monday... and I am agonizing over my paint decision. Did you paint your before with behr? Maybe that will help my decision.
love ya!
~lizzy in a tizzy =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, ummm what a difference! This calls to mind a scene often repeated in my own marriage:
Susan (as I am arriving home from a long day at the office): “So, what do you think?”
Me (I try desperately to remember what the house looked yesterday so that I won't strike out for the millionth consecutive time. I realize that my only hope is a bluff that never works, but I try bravely anyway): “I like it!”

Stephanie said...

You are hilarious!

I must say, the first color matches your blog entirely too well!

And do tell your secret for achieving such a sizeable project's success with two little ones underfoot. I can hardly find time to do my laundry!

Anonymous said...

Mark is oh so correct...our hallway went from olive green to off white and he didn't notice. Ben, however, notices all changes and more to the point, has very definite opinions on all things relating to color and style. I'll take oblivious every time...that way I can do what I want with impunity.

Sarah said...

could you come over and paint my bathroom!? i'd really appreciate it. just catching up on your blog and love the picture of evan eating carrots. you are such a great photographer!!

Cherie said...

LOL! Although, the preferred shade is very similar to the color I just painted the nursery. Love it!