Monday, January 24, 2011

The Great Debate(s)

Elena and Evan have had many different seasons in their relationship. When Evan was first born, Elena pretty much ignored him. Then as he aged he began to tamper with her things, and the physical bullying began. It was months of hearing shrieks from Evan, running to the room, and seeing Elena on top of him - punches flying.

I'm not sure if it's that Evan is now old enough to understand and obey the rules of "Elena's world", or if it's that he's now big enough to retaliate, but thankfully the physical abuse has become a thing of the past (okay, there maybe a few exceptions... but.... anyways)

But we're now entering another season and this one has a different flavor of strife. We'll call it The Season of Great Intellectual Debate. Here is a sample of the arguments you can hear at our house. Both sides are always extremely passionate on their stand and are usually brought to tears over the other's unwillingness to concede.

ELENA: Eve-A (a robot from the movie, Wall-E) is a girl.
EVAN: No He isn't!
ELENA: Yes she is!
EVAN: NOOOO! He is not a GIRL ("girl" said with disgust). Mom, Ewana said Eve-A is a girl!!!

EVAN (wearing a red hat): Look Ewana, I'm Santa Claus!
ELENA: No you're not, you're the Grinch
And on and on it goes.....

Elena running away from Evan. Evan following in tears:
EVAN: Noooo! I AM a friendly dinosaur!!! I'm NOT scary!!!


Susan said...

If Evan had been on the Disney dino ride that Elena went on, he might understand why Elena believes that there is no such thing as a friendly dinosaur :0

mark said...

It gets better in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're getting a good start, though:) Keeps you entertained!!

Elizabeth said...

Get well so we can get together again!! :) I think Audrey would enjoy the debates and frank discussion.

Kristin =) said...

oh, I love the last comment of Evan saying that he is a friendly heart melts for him...I can just see him running after Elena.