Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Elena's 5th Birthday

Elena is now 5 YEARS OLD!

Elena you are beautiful in every single way. You are fiercely competitive, but it's tempered with a desire to verbally encourage others along the way. Your biggest giggles are saved for slapstick comedy, usually performed by Asher, but you do have a special place in your heart for an AFV video you once saw of a cat jumping into a fish tank. You love being given responsibilities, and love it even more if they somehow affect your brothers.

You talk all. the. time. :) And I know I'm going to miss that when you go to school next fall. You are desperate to understand time, so you can know exactly when things will happen. Days of the week are starting to make sense, but telling time will be a ways off. Girl, you can read like nobody's business! Such an accomplishment. You are strongly left-handed which is just one of the many wonderful reminders of how unique you are.

Now we have to talk a little bit about just how sneaky you can be. Many are the premeditated "crimes" you commit in this house. The planning involved in your pantry heists scares us, but we are praying for self-control and a love for truth.

You admire anything beautiful; a disney princess, a purse with sequins, or a colorful sunset. You love roller coasters, hair accessories, and creating things out of printer paper and some tape. Your little 5 year old mind is already looking into your future and thinking about leaving for college (this saddens both you and us), getting married (you are pretty concerned over not seeming to have him picked out yet), and having kids (you don't understand why God wouldn't give you exactly two girls a "Bella" and "Emily").

No matter what you are exploring, creating or destroying we love you completely!

I'm showing off my daughter's mad sprinkle skills.

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