Thursday, April 8, 2010

Asher - 4 Months

- Asher is just at that sweet stage; sleeping through the night, long stretches between feedings, and beginning to entertain himself with watching life go on around him... it's great!

- I think the biggest thing that has changed since last month is that he officially sleeping in his crib. I was finally ready for him to make the big move upstairs.

- He's a spitter-upper. I'm so used to it that I forget not all babies require a bib for themselves and the person holding them.

- He's not taking a bottle... grrrr.

- I think he has begun teething. He can't figure out the paci, but his fists have a permanent place in his mouth. In fact I'm going to make the prediction that he'll have two little teeth just like Elena at 6 months.

- I love his company shopping or working at the computer. Who doesn't enjoy big baby grins coming their way?

- Stats: 15lb and 25in - 50% percentile for both

Asher, you are a blessing to this family!


Marty said...

He's a good looking guy. That's not just me. Ask the ladies

The Shepard Girls said...

Savannah went through the same thing around that age-not taking a bottle. It's so frustrating! It didn't last too long for us, so I'm hoping for your sake that he will start taking one again soon. Good luck! Meanwhile, we own every single type of bottle and nipple that is on the market.