Thursday, January 7, 2010


We've been confirming that mathematical statement. Three is definitely more than two! We had heard from numerous persons that going from one to two children was the biggest adjustment, but when the third child came you hardly noticed a difference... well I am here to tell you that they all LIED... every last one of them. :)

It's pretty amazing how such a tiny little person can keep you so busy.
I am pretty much in a constant state of being "behind"; behind on dishes, laundry, pictures/blogging, Christmas decor removal, birthday party planning, e-mails, phone calls, and then simply arriving late to things (although that one's not really new).

But the work load isn't the only thing that's grown around here. Our hearts have also grown to fall completely in love with Asher. He is cherished by each one of us in this family and we view him as a wonderful addition! (And I am including Elena and Evan in that.)


Austin and Ashley Evans said...

LOVE the pictures!! If you ever need someone to snuggle Asher while you get things done, dont hestiate to ask!! Brooke would love to play with Elena and Evan!

The Hvass Family said...

GORGEOUS!!! love the pics of! he is just beautiful...i was sad i didn't get to see him close up on Sunday.....I'm also glad to know that 3 kiddos is a huge adjustment...cause i've been told the same thing...and we have been thinking about a 3rd....not anytime in the near future....not at all! but someday...down the is just good to be informed :) we need to have a margarita date sometime!

Kristin said...

I am "one of those moms" who said going from one to two was harder. Perhaps because I fell way behind on all those things you mentioned with just two, so you are doing much better than I was!. :) my advice: Enjoy life, which I know you will! But, sometimes it is so hard to get wrap up in our agendas and "to-do" lists. All of those things will pass away, so who cares anyways :) three is a great number and each of your kiddos will be so blessed to have you for a mom, Amy! It's so fun to think God has gifted you with three
little people that will come to know His love best exactly
where He placed them in this world. Lots is love!

Susan said...

Wow! I can't wait to see the rest of the photos...I love the lighting.

mark said...

I remember telling you that 3 is not much more than 2. Of course I was off at work all day 5 (sometimes more) days a week, so what do I know.

Scott and Jessica Shobe said...

love the pictures!