Wednesday, January 13, 2010

27 Months

Our Evan turned 27 months on the 8th of this month and I am using this significant milestone as an excuse to write down everything he does these days.

- Of course I'm biased, but I think he is so sweet. He loves to ask Ben and I questions like, "What dat?" or "What u doing?" We answer. He repeats our answer in a questioning voice. We say, "That's right." He finishes up the exchange with, "Oooh." Then Ben and I give each other a look as if to say, "Was-that-not-the-cutest-thing-you-ever-heard?" We can't get enough of it!

- He has a healthy fear of being punished which makes him our most obedient child at the moment.

- He pretty much always has a handful of Hot Wheels cars in his hands.

- Quick story - Over New Years, my Aunt Laurie Anne gave Evan little water toys that start out looking like pill capsules and expand into sponges when placed in water. This particular set all turned into farm animals. My aunt was quizzing him on the animals as they grew before his eyes. When she pointed to one that was clearly a rooster, she asked him what it was, to which he enthusiastically replied, "A CHICKEN... NUGGET!!!" Ahhh, proud moment for mom.

- He is a great throw; and if you toss him a perfect pitch, he can catch the ball too.

- He was so excited to point out "Chwis-chwis Wights" to his sister since he knew she would praise him for finding them.

- He loves playing with his friends, and especially one he calls, "Serson!"

- He has a great imagination. He can create a story line full of drama and tragedy surrounding his cars. He'll make the sound effect for cars crashing. Then he consoles one of the cars and gives the other one a spanking. Oh and today he told me a dinosaur was after his cars.

- We just moved him to a big boy bed... he seems to like it, but I'm not sure I do. He now has the ability to wake me up in the morning.

- PIZZA IS HIS FAVORITE FOOD... EVER! Well, except for maybe doughnuts.

- Speaking of... Daddy makes a doughnut run to Krispy Kreme with Elena and Evan on Saturday mornings. Ben says watching Evan devour his doughnut is a similar experience to watching a snake dislocate his jaw in order to swallow his prey whole.

- He's learning his colors; mainly because that's the only way I know to identify his Hot Wheel cars. His daddy is working on teaching him the actual make and model.

- He thinks his daddy's scooter is awesome.

- He's loved at school and loves to go.

- He looks up to his sister, and can quickly get his feelings hurt if she's unkind.

- He is very concerned about Asher when he's crying. He runs to tell me that Baby Asher is sad, and that he pooped. That last part is just an assumption, but is usually a pretty good guess.

Evan keeps us laughing and is a great reminder to us of how unique God makes each of His creations. We love you so much Evan!


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about what the kids are doing and saying,as well as the pictures that go along with it!

The Shepard Girls said...

LOVE IT! Especially the part about him and the doughnuts. You are witty. It's always good to catch up with you via your blog :) Asher is perfect!