Friday, October 17, 2008


I like to celebrate big milestones on this blog; birthdays, anniversaries, promotions... etc. So, today I'd like to celebrate the "life" of my HEB at NW Military and Huebner. Yesterday was it's last day in business before it merged with the NW Military and Lockhill-Selma store to become the mega-super-central market like-HEB at NW Military and Wurzbach Pkwy.  My HEB was, in my opinion, the best little HEB in San Antonio; it was small, but big enough to get what you needed, it was rarely crowded, always clean, and the people were super nice. HEB at NW Military and Huebner, you will be missed! Sniff Sniff.

I was pretty curious about this new and improved store, so I decided to check it out today (today being the first day of business). Apparently I wasn't the only one curious. The store was CA-RAZY! I'm thinking of making a shirt bragging something like, "I survived HEB's opening day..." 

Hey, double-seats in the shopping cart! Things are looking up!


The Foglios said...

This IS a big milestone! I love the double seat in the basket without it being the un-manuverable car basket! My HEB just got made over and I love it because it is still small. If you ever need a babysitter to try to survive the new ginormous HEB trip let me know:-D

Sarah said...

I too am going to miss our old HEB. I can't believe I never say you there since I feel like I went every other day. I also went to the new HEB yesterday and man was it crazy! There most of been free samples on every row!!

Gardiner Family said...

I miss the old HEB too! I actually planned on running in there today and was surprised it was closed up :-( So I bucked up and tried the new Alon HEB. It felt like a huge mall inside. The cheese section was as big as our house!! This is the only time I needed a map to get groceries.

Anonymous said...

You are the clever girl. I almost never think to bring my camera with me to the grocery store.

nate and liz said...

Look on the bright side, at least you can go to HEB. =)
How I miss our HEB plus...sniff sniff... miss the double seater.