Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Go-Peddin' It Up

Ben's new ride, the Go-Ped, has arrived! He "drove" it to work yesterday, and besides a little mishap with the USAA sprinklers running, the trip was a success and added a mere 5 minutes each way to his normal commute. 

His car will most likely change hands to the new owner today. We will then officially be a one car, one Go-Ped family rolling in the $11 we saved.


Stephanie said...

Wow---that's pretty nifty! Seriously, it only adds 5 minutes each way onto the trip? Impressive.

Anonymous said...

I'll be interested in how that works for you. Susan and I got by on one car for the first few years of our marriage, but it became uncomfortable as our family grew (of course I never lived within walking distance of work either). By the way, you might want to follow him to work once of twice. When he was a kid, Ben used to pitch his bicycle helmet in the bushes when he got out of eyeshot.

Sarah said...

What a stud. You better keep your eye on Ben and make sure he doesn't start hanging out at biker bars and buying leather jackets.