Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ten at the End!

Let me try a new thing here: Ten random things posted at the end of my week. Hopefully it will give a snapshot of our life at the moment.

This picture screams, "random!" to me, so I feel like it's appropriate as a header for this post.

1) Okay this was actually just over a week ago (My blog, my rules!) Elena went to see "Pinkalicious" at the Magic Theater. The ticket was a very sweet birthday gift from her friend, Emily. She giggled the entire time and has been quoting and reenacting it all week (complete with pink marker all over the face... yay.)

2) Soccer is over! I'm sad it's over for Elena, but relieved with Evan. Evan's practices and games ended up being a very hands on event for me, and I was worn out after every one. If I wasn't running on to the field, I was yelling instructions from the sideline, "Evan STOP BEING AN AIRPLANE!"; "Evan, you CANNOT push!"; "Do NOT make yourself dizzy!!!"; "WRONG WAY! WRONG WAY!!"

3) Elena is starting piano! We're not doing formal lessons at this point, but on the recommendation from friends, I purchased a book called, "My First Piano Adventure." It's awesome for her age. There's an accompanying cd with cute songs to help her fingers get familiar with the keys. She's loving it and has been a great addition to our daily routine.

4) I've been cleaning out JUNK. Filled multiple bins for a someday garage sale. Love that feeling.

5) Well, this was done a couple weeks ago, but the BOYS ARE SHARING A ROOM! We were bracing ourselves for a rough adjustment, them sharing the nursery has allowed us to change Evan's old room into a nursery... I love it! but it has actually made our life easier. We are still shocked! It used to be that Asher would cry himself to sleep, but he is quiet as can be having his big brother right next to him.

Them sharing the nursery has allowed us to convert Evan's old room into a playroom... I love it!

6) We've been hitting up our neighborhood pool! The kids have finally reached an age where I feel comfortable watching all three in the water... in the baby pool... with floaties. :)

7) A little story from yesterday: We're riding in the car and Elena's talking about a bad dream she had. She was saying something like:

"... And then the giant Dora was trying to pull off my arms..."

***Uhh, creepy!!!**

"... And she was just being so mean to me. She was just SO DEMO! Don't you think, Mom? Wasn't she SO DEMO?"

It took me awhile to figure out where she was getting this new word, "demo"; but then it hit me. After seeing "Toy Story 3" and Buzz Lightyear's aggressive behavior on the "demo mode" she assumed "demo" was a very negative adjective!

8) Ben and I experienced the legendary 42in pizza at Big Lou's! The youth group leaders were having an end of the year party. Knowing the diameter beforehand didn't stop my jaw from dropping when it actually came to our table. The pizza was delicious and the company sweet.

9) One of my goals for this summer is teach basic table manners to Elena and Evan. I've been pretty lax in that whole area. To help with the process and to work on a few other behaviors we have introduced a chart.

10) Evan received 3 fillings and 8 sealants on Wednesday. We were pretty nervous going into the procedure, but it went extraordinarily well!

He didn't know what was coming after he put on the sunglasses, headphones, and bubblegum nose, but he was pretty sure it was going to be AWESOME!


Susan said...

I love the 10 things...thanks for the snapshot!

The Hvass Family said...

love this! LOVE that Elena's learning to play PIANO!!! ;) yippee!

Amy said...

Yes, thank you Julia for the book recommendation!

mark said...

Great update! I feel randomly informed.