Friday, May 6, 2011

Soccer Spectacularness!

Wow, it is amazing what a shiny brass medal can do for a child's morale! This past week in soccer each member of Evan's team got a medal for... I guess being cute? It was either that or for spinning around in circles until you fall down... I forget, I'll check the inscription. ;)

Coincidentally, Elena was chosen from her team to get the medal this week. She has been very timid about attempting a kick since her first game, but showed a lot of effort this week, so a medal was awarded. Yay!!!

While I am proud of the efforts they have shown this season, the thing I am still beaming about is what I overheard Elena say to Evan when he walked over with his medal (and this was before she was awarded hers.) She exclaimed, "Oh Evan, I love your medal! Good Job! I'm so proud of you!!!!"

Ahhhhh, I've been replaying this moment over and over... especially when I'm sending them to their rooms for fighting.


Abby said...

Haha, you have to cling to the good stuff :) Micah and Lizzie fight CONSTANTLY now... The once a week they are sweet to each other has to last me awhile :P

mark said...

Perhaps their dad can teach them the hook-slide tackle soon. This brought his mom and me hours of enjoyment when he learned it on his own.

Anonymous said...

I think it could very well be for the cuteness:)