Friday, December 11, 2009

Asher Martin Elkins

Our precious Asher Martin was born right on schedule; December 8th at 8am. The c-section went wonderfully. I was relaxed enough to join in on the conversation Ben, the doctors, and nurses were having about Christmas trees (random right?); but not so relaxed to the point of being "loopy."

Once Asher made his entrance into the room conversation stopped as it was hard to do anything but listen and laugh a little at his persistent, loud, "dying-cat-like" cry. It was beautiful.

He had trouble getting the nursing thing down, but picked it up by the end of the second day and I have to say that I do believe he really likes it now.

Asher seems to be cut from a different block of wood than Elena and Evan. There's just something about his features that set him apart. The most obvious thing is his hair; there's very little of it and it's dark brown!

Thank you Lord for your hand of protection being on Asher. He is a wonderfully good gift.

"Hello World!"

7lb 12oz and 20 in long.

Ahhh, cuddling is the best!


Cherie said...

Congrats Amy and Ben! (And Elena and Evan, too) He is a wonderfully good gift! I have tears welling in my eyes. Nothing more precious than new life! Can't wait to find out the gender of ours in January!! Love you guys, Merry Christmas!!

The Shepard Girls said...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!!!! I home to get the chance to come meet him over Christmas! What a perfect little person! Thanks for the post!

Sarah said...

he's precious. and you're right- he looks related to your kids but different. but it's obvious he's going to be a stud! glad to hear everything went so well. can't wait to meet him! love you!

nshirley said...

Amy, Asher is precious!! So cute and cuddly. I'm so thankful all went well and that you are all safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

He is SO precious!! Can't wait to hold him again!

Ashley said...

Amy, he is absolutely beautiful. Welcome, Asher! What a treasure you are!

Robert and Heidi Stevener said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations and of course he is just the most beautiful little baby! I can't wait to meet him! I am so happy everything went great and that you are doing good! Hope to talk to you soon!

Kristin said...

He's so sweet Amy! I am so excited for you. In fact, I feel like a goof because I have thought about you SO often and am just now checking your blog. I hope things are going better after your slightly rocky start coming home. Can't wait to meet him!

Sarah said...

Oh Amy he's gorgeous!!! I love the hello world picture! hehe I hope all of you are doing great and have a wonderful Christmas! I can't wait to see baby Asher!