Sunday, February 8, 2009

Toilet Tales

It's Official - Elena is POTTY TRAINED!!! 

So you're probably thinking, "Wait... didn't you post that she started potty training back in... let's see, when was it? ... oh yeah...  JULY???"

Ummm, well yes, that is true. I followed the, "Potty Train Your Child in Just Half a Year" program ;).  Oh you're interested in it too?  Well, let me give you a few of the pointers. 

#1 After the first day of your child successfully keeping their undies dry, put them back in diapers (after all, they can take it off to use the potty, right?).  A few weeks later they will return to going in their diaper and this will successfully set you back a month. 

#2 Next, develop a deep, deep fear of pee on your floor or of your child having an accident in public.  This will stall your second start up for at least a few months. 

#3 And finally, jam pack your schedule, so that you feel you have a valid excuse for putting if off another two months.

Clearly, the person that needed the most training through this process was Mommy.  Peace and Love to all mommies headed towards this milestone, and if you need any advice... don't ask me. 


Anonymous said...

Mark and I are nearly in tears, we are laughing so hard. Next up... Evan:)

Gardiner Family said...

Too funny! I'm sure I'll have some pointers when my time to train David comes. You are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

As long as you were firm but fair, there's no reason to second guess. Seriously, y'all do great on the stuff that matters.

nate and liz said...


I still don't have the potty training thing down! Mya potty trained herself and I just assumed Audrey would follow Mya's example. However, I forgot to factor in the "2nd born personality" =)... the part that wants to set their own standards, their own rules, make their own mark on the world. I also have to factor in the middle child factor... poor girl. Ah well, someday soon i hope.
luv, liz

Anonymous said...

I think it's always the mother who requires the training...but I loved your tale of your eventually effective technique:)

Anonymous said...

haha- oh, what I have to look forward to!

Abby said...

They say that admitting your faults is half the battle.... the other half is being totally cool with your stuff getting peed on :P

Anonymous said...

We can definitely say that the six-month potty-training method leaves no emotional scarring on young children...however,the data is still inconclusive regarding its effect on mothers:)

T!ff@ny said...

Well at least it finally happened! Congrats!! I sure remember those days!