Monday, October 11, 2010

Evan's Race Car Party!

We were able to celebrate Evan's birthday with family and friends on his actual birthday. I began planning this race car party a LONG time ago... well at least it was way in advance compared to the previous parties I've done. Ben mowed a track in the back yard and then lined it with cones. The kiddos raced cardboard box cars around the yard and also played "Red Light, Green Light". Writing this out makes it sound like these events happened in an orderly fashion, but when you're dealing with 2's and 3's nothing could be further than the truth! BUT, when dealing with 2's and 3's nothing could be cuter. :)

The kids ran around the yard, in and out of the track, completely confused as to where they were supposed to end up. And when it came time for Red Light Green Light, they initially ran towards me, but would then turn around and zip back to where they started... it was so funny.

We decided to do a donut cake for Evan... it's easy and something he loves!

Lots and lots of diapers represented by these boxes.

I decorated the house with these checkered flags. I'm so bummed that I didn't take more pictures of the decorations. Abby let me use her new Silhouette machine to make CUTE banners! They looked awesome, but silly me, I took them down too soon.

Pierson getting into his car. He was the most enthusiastic participant!

Thank you everyone for making Evan's birthday so special. He LOVED it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was quite a production!! I can't imagine how you had time to put it all together. The pictures are are the pictures of him with you and Ben.