Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Present to You... The PATIO!

When we moved into this house we knew that the backyard would require a LOT of work. It was overgrown along the fence, bare where there should be grass, and had a random cement block to be removed. 

Well, this is the summer of action.  The first step we have taken towards getting this yard whipped into shape is building a functioning patio (and when I say build, I mean paying someone else to build it.)

I personally love before and after pictures, so here you go...



We love the finished product, but there is still a lot to be done like landscaping and finding a step solution for that pretty steep drop off. 


Anonymous said...

It’s definitely an improvement.

Anonymous said...

That looks great- you need to have a patio party now!

Robert and Heidi Stevener said...

I think it looks great! I will be fun to be able to sit outside and plant lots of fun things to look at!

Stephanie said...

Girl, I wish I'd have known! This is exactly what my hubby does--hardscapes, landscapes, etc. Let me know if you'd like him to get you an estimate before you do more work. (But what you've already had done looks great!)