Friday, March 28, 2008


Before I get any further into the posting process, I want to mention a couple of things:

First of all, I've never thought of myself as much of a writer, especially when compared to Ben and his family.  So, I guess I've been a bit intimidated to start a blog until now. 

"What's changed?", you ask? Well, I've realized how great blogs can be to keep out-of-town family up to date with the kids. We've posted pictures until now, but as Elena gets older and more verbal, I want to be able to record the funny things she's saying. So, I guess I'm just letting you know to expect a lot of kid related posts here. 

Secondly, the Shakespearean quote, "...come what come may..." is like my 17th choice for a domain name. I find it very annoying that there are so many Elkins out there blogging about as frequently as a lunar eclipse and hogging all the "good" names.  Sigh, it's my penalty for joining the "blogging world" late. :-)

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